
Recruitment is essential to every industry. Recruitment is the process of having the right person, in the right place, at the right time. It is crucial to organisational performance. KNOVATION helps you to be equipped with the appropriate knowledge and skills.

Defining Role

We believe that before recruiting for a new or existing position, it is important to invest time in gathering information about the nature of the job. The output required by the job holder and how it fits into an organisation’s structure. This done on basis of a job description/job profile. This helps to explains the job to the candidates, and the recruitment process. A person specification or job profile states the necessary and desirable criteria for selection.

Attaching Profiles

Many organisations make use of external providers to assist with their recruitment. Known as recruitment agencies, at KNOVATION we offer employers a range of services - attracting candidates, managing candidate responses, screening and short-listing, or running assessment centres on the employer’s behalf. We realise how important it is that a recruitment agency develops a good understanding of an organisation and its requirements because it is the employers and agencies that are committed to a collaborative partnership that are more likely to achieve positive results.

Managing Profiles and Selection Process

The advantage of CVs is that they give candidates the opportunity to sell themselves in their own way and don’t restrict the fitting of information into boxes. However, CVs make it possible for candidates to include lots of additional, irrelevant material which may make them harder to assess consistently. At KNOVATION, all applications treated confidentially and circulated only to those individuals involved in the recruitment process. Any profile submitted should acknowledged where it's possible. Prompt acknowledgment is good practice and presents a positive image of the organisation. At KNOVATION we understand that the recruitment process is not just about employers identifying suitable employees for the future, it’s also about candidates finding out more about the business, and considering whether a company is one where they would be suited.

Releasing Offer

Before making an offer of employment, employers have complete responsibility for verifying required documents of selected candidate. A recruitment policy should state clearly how references will be used, when in the recruitment process they will be taken up and what kind of references will be necessary (for example, from former employers). These rules should be applied consistently. Candidates should always be informed of the procedure for taking up references. Offers of employment should always be made in writing. But it is important to be aware that a verbal offer of employment made in an interview is as legally binding as a letter to the candidate. Employers must also be aware of the legal requirements of and what information should be given in the written statement of particulars of employment. Unsuccessful candidates should be notified promptly in writing and if possible given feedback.